Fact Sheets in Chinese
Walker, D.I,, Lane K.J., Liu K., Uppal K., Patton A.P., Durant J.L., Jones D.P., Brugge D. Pennell K.D. Metabolomic assessment of exposure to near-highway ultrafine particles. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 2019; 29:469–483
Corlin, L., Woodin, M., Hart, JE., Simon, M., Gute, DM., Stowell, J., Tucker, KL., Durant, J., and Brugge, D. Longitudinal associations of long-term exposure to ultrafine particles with blood pressure and systematic inflammation in Puerto Rican adults. Environmental Health. 2018; 17:33
Brugge, D., Simon, M. C., Hudda, N., Zellmer, M., Corlin, L., Cleland, S., Lu, EY., Rivera, S., Bryne, M., Chung, M., & Durant, J. L. Lessons from in-home air filtration intervention trials to reduce urban ultrafine particle number concentrations. 2017; Building and Environment 126 266-275
Lane K.J, Levy J.I, Scammell M.K, Peters J.L., Patton A.P., Reisner E., Lowe L, Zamore W, Durant J., Brugge D. Association of modeled long-term personal exposure to ultrafine particles with inflammatory and coagulation biomarkers. Environment International. 2016; 92-93:173-182.
Padró-Martínez LT, Owusu E, Reisner E, Zamore W, Simon MC, Mwamburi M, Brown CA, Chung M, Brugge D, Durant JL. A randomized cross-over air filtration intervention trial for reducing cardiovascular health risks in residents of public housing near a highway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015; 12(7):7814-38.
Fuller CF, Williams PL, Mittleman MA, Patton AP, Spengler JD, Brugge D. Response of biomarkers of inflammation and coagulation to short-term changes in central site, local and predicted particle number concentrations. Annals of Epidemiology. 2015; 25(7);505-511.
Chung M, Wang DD, Rizzo AM, Gachette D, Delnord M, Parambi R, Kang C-M, Brugge D. Association of PNC, BC, PM2.5 measured at a central monitoring site with blood pressure in a predominantly near highway population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015; 12(3):2765-80.
Corlin L, Woodin M, Thanikachalam M, Lowe L, Brugge D. Evidence of the healthy immigrant effect in older Chinese immigrants: a cross-sectional study. BioMed Central Public Health. 2014; 14:603.
Brugge D, Lane K, Padró-Martínez LT, Stewart A, Hoesterey K, Weiss D, Wang DD, Levy JI, Patton AP, Zamore W, Mwamburi M. Highway proximity associated with cardiovascular disease risk: the influence of individual-level confounders and exposure misclassification. Environmental Health 2013; 12:84.
Rioux CL, Tucker KL, Brugge D, Gute DM, Mwamburi M. Traffic Exposure in a Population with High Prevalence Type 2 Diabetes – Do Medications Influence Concentrations of C-Reactive Protein? Environmental Pollution. 2011; 159:2051-2060.
Rioux CL, Tucker KL, Mwamburi M, Gute DM, Cohen SA, Brugge D. Residential Traffic Exposure, Pulse Pressure and C-Reactive Protein: Consistency and Contrast Among Exposure Characterization Methods. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2010; 118:803-811.